Island Club Turks

Creating Stories for Life Living on Vacation Creating Stories for Life Living on Vacation

Creating Stories for Life Living on Vacation Creating Stories for Life Living on Vacation

Relax, Rejuvenate and
Make Memories with
Friends and Family!

Living on vacation. Creating stories for life.

Vacation a different way in one of the world’s most coveted
destinations – Grace Bay, Providenciales Turks & Caicos.
Island Club Turks and Grace Bay Place are two sister properties that provide guests with the unique opportunity to experience the Turks & Caicos Life on Grace Bay. We call it ‘living on vacation’ and offer a range of apartment/condo style accommodations that all come complete with well-appointed kitchens and your very own barbeque and private outdoor dining amenities for each unit. Learn more about your perfect home base for a vacation that fits every life and lifestyle and create stories for life.

Experience what it is like to have a vacation ‘home away from home” at Island Club Turks where you can invite friends and families to join you at this unique property located in the heart of desirable Grace Bay. Couples, families and groups of friends are all welcome to experience ‘being away, together’ and enjoy ‘living on vacation’ in this private condominium resort in one of the world’s most desirable destinations.

Create the most special memories and celebrate milestones at Grace Bay Place that often plays host to larger groups of friends and families. Perfect weather all-year round makes and flexible accommodation types that include larger units and main floor living allows everybody to have what they want and need at this incredible place that is in the heart of Grace Bay and everything that the island has to offer.
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